Life Updates

Hey there, wonders!

It’s been a couple of days since I’ve posted. I’ve seen the numbers increase from in the 70s to 80. Yay! It’s finally happening and every few days, we are getting close to 100 followers. Remember, if you have any suggestions for overall content or any post suggestions, use the link on the sidebar to take the survey! It’s greatly appreciated and I read each one of your answers. Please give explanation where required and be honest.

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What has been going on in my life lately?

Well, hello, hello! I’m alive! I’ve been packing to go for a camping trip! We’ll be leaving for swimming class(which is just to perfect our strokes, by the way. I can swim fine) at 4. It’s 3:50 now. Then, as soon as it is over, at about 5:20 pm, we’ll take a shower. We will head to the campgrounds from there!

I’ll be back on Sunday, so you may not see any other posts until then. Thank you for understanding and all your support! I know we can make it to 100 by the end of the year just seeing the rate at which the number of followers is growing. 🙂

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58 thoughts on “Life Updates

      1. I can understand. Thank you for coming back, though. 🙂 It’s great to see you here. So, have you thought about returning to blogging? I don’t know, that was just a random question. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. i’ve thought about it so much– you don’t believe how much i miss it. but seeing as i can barely make it through my reader, until i get better at organizing my time [or the day becomes longer]i wont have the time and mental capacity to host a blog tot he scale i’d like. also, i put blogging before school and friends it really stressed my relationships and home life with all the secrecy but the end goal is to get a blog again!! i can tell you it probably won’t be april dreams tho- i’ll need something fresh. ahh, sorry that turned long. do you have anything fun planned for this week?

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  1. Hey! I’m not sure if I have told you about this but… A blogging friend of mine ( Lydia Howe ) is about to publish her book, and needs help with reviews. She is giving out free e copies to anyone who is willing to review it on their blog. I thought that I’d let you know incase you’re interested. I am helping her spread the word about it. XD If you want to help out and review the book on your blog, then you can fill out the sign up form below. In the form is a synopsis of the book.

    Have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey girl!
        I just wanted to check in and see if you were able to fill out the form. I hope that you didn’t have anymore complications with your computer!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. She should email it to you today or tomorrow. She’s pretty quick with emailing so you should get it soon. If you still haven’t received by Friday, then let me know. You should get it sooner though. =D

        Liked by 1 person

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